Why should a product contain the creator’s heart?

D Vehu Alonge
1 min readMar 10, 2022


Probably, we’ve come across the cliche, “Great things are built intentionally”, yet, the thought of a great product is often related to hard work, diligence, commitment, research, design, quality, great features and so on.

In reality, products that penetrate the market and surpasses their competitors should carry the creator’s heart. Even with less features and lower quality, the product that wins, the one that people loves, the one that hits market success must carry a heart. People are not controlled by logical reasoning, but feeling. For example, the feeling of cleanliness comes after smelling and feeling your clothes just from a dry cleaner, not necessarily gathering fact based data. Data that probably answers some of these questions.

  1. Is the clothe without spots?
  2. Is the clothe pure white and without stains?

You see, “Every thing in life has a price”, the price for product acceptance and market value is one that has the creator’s heart.

My name is D Vehu Alonge and I believe creativity is not about doing new things, but doing great things in new ways.

